SAMCORP CAPITAL CORPORATION (SAMCORP) was incorporated on December 17, 1997 with US $1 billion in authorized capital. SAMCORP is a private equity company that invests and co invests in commercial and residential real estate, food and beverage, entertainment and e-commerce B2C and B2B.
While committed to the above industries the company is constantly in search of viable investments in other industries. SAMCORP is both a passive and active investor.
SAMCORP investments are mostly in China, USA, England, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore and Vietnam.

Investing with a Difference
Our significant operational experience enables us to be a leading provider of equity for acquisitions, recapitalizations, and growth capital financings.

Partners on the road to Success
Private equity for food and beverages, e-commerce and distribution businesses.
SAMCORP welcome companies that are searching for investors in both active and passive roles.
Email: investor@samcorp.capital
65 Chulia Street
Level 46 OCBC Centre
Singapore 049513
511 South First Ave.
Suite C
Acadia, CA 91006
United States of America
500 Yun Jin Road
Level 8 Greenland Hui Center Tower B Suite 888
Shanghai 200232
105 Jalan Ampang
Level 12-05 Berjaya Central Park Tower One
Kuala Lumpur 50450